Church Constitution

Vision and Mission of the Church

  • To reach out to the neighbourhood and to show God’s love through who we are.
  • To reach in to develop ministries and gifts in the congregation of Kimberley Neighbourhood Church and encourage growth in our Christian walk.
  • Kimberley Neighbourhood Church is a Christian congregation affiliated to the Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland. (see appendix 1 for the Seven Distinctives of the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  • The church is part of Kimberley and Nuthall Churches Together.
  • The church supports overseas and local ministries – Catherine Truman working in India through Interserve and locally Starfish Ministry.

Core Beliefs

  • We are guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the authority of the Bible as God’s word.
  • Equipping of the church.
  • That Jesus is our ultimate role model.
  • The great commission.
  • One God – demonstrated through the Trinity.
  • Sharing of communion.
  • Baptism in water is a confession of faith.
  • We believe in baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • If you repent and accept Jesus into your life you will be saved.
  • That Jesus will return again.
  • That prayer is an integral part of life.
  • We are guided by the Holy Spirit.


Kimberley Neighbourhood Church Structure

Senior Minister(s)

Appointment of Senior Minister(s)

In order to be appointed a senior minister, the person must be committed to the Vision and Mission of the Church and be a mature Christian who has a lifestyle consistent with the principles set out for leaders in the New Testament (1 Timothy 3, 1 Peter 5 and Titus 1).

If a vacancy occurs the advice of the Regional Co-Ordinator of the Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland will be sought.

The normal term of office will be five years, which may be extended by mutual agreement of the Senior Minister, Church Council and Community Forum.

By virtue of their appointment, senior minister(s) will be entrusted with the spiritual oversight of the church and be responsible jointly or separately for the church’s worship, prayer, bible teaching, ministry in pastoral care and evangelism. Each senior minister shall be required to resign from office immediately if the  senior minister is found to be living in a manner out of keeping with scriptural principles or the senior minister no longer accepts the church’s vision and mission.  Resignation may also be for other valid reasons, such as retirement.  In such an event at least a 2/3 majority of the church council agree by secret ballot at a properly convened meeting that the senior minister should be removed.

Church Council

The church council will be appointed from the congregation together with the senior minister(s) to take responsibility for the spiritual oversight, strategic vision, pastoral care and practical administration of the church.  There shall be a minimum of 5 plus the senior minister(s).

The appointment of the church council shall be undertaken by processes that are clear and open so that the entire congregation are able to consider prayerfully who shall be appointed.

The following process appoints a member of the church council.  Any person who has been a member of the congregation normally for at least one year and has been baptised as a believer shall be eligible for appointment and may be recommended to the Church Council by either a member of the Church Council, congregation or Senior Minister.

Following recommendation and a period of discernment by the Church Council the appointment will be by secret ballot at a church community forum and at least 2/3 majority must agree. The person must be committed to the vision and mission of the church and be a mature Christian who has a lifestyle consistent with the principles set out for leaders in the New Testament (1 Timothy 3, 1 Peter 5 and Titus 1).

A member of the church council shall serve for three years.  They may be reappointed for a second term.  A member of the church council standing for election/re-election must receive a positive vote from at least 2/3 of those voting.

A member of the church council shall be required to resign from office immediately if they are found to be living in a manner out of keeping with scriptural principles or the member no longer accepts the church’s vision and mission.  In any such event at least a 2/3 majority of the church council must agree at a properly convened meeting that the member should be removed.  Resignation may also be for other reasons, such as retirement. Proportionately, the church council may contain no more than 1/3 of its number from the same family.


The church council will appoint a secretary, a treasurer and a second signatory.  The second signatory may not be in the immediate family of the treasurer

Ministry Team Leaders

Ministry team leaders will oversee significant areas of the life of the church.  This will normally mean specialist areas of ministry – community and mission ventures (both locally and overseas), prayer, life groups, youth, children, bible study, pastoral care, worship and outreach.  Each area of ministry team leadership will be under the guidance and authority of the church council.  Ministry team leaders will be appointed and if necessary removed by the church council under the same procedures as church council members.

Belonging to the church – Community Forum

The forum is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and desire to live according to His will and are committed to this group of Christians.  It is normally expected that this commitment has been or will be demonstrated by baptism as a believer or having been a member in good standing of a Christian church of a differing tradition.

After at least six months’ commitment a person who wishes to be part of the forum will meet with at least two members of the church council at which the basis of faith, vision and mission of the church, constitution, organisation and responsibility of the forum will be discussed. Following this and with the agreement of the church council the person will be introduced and welcomed to the whole church through the next community forum.

The community forum will exist for the purpose of transparency, accountability and communication under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Lordship of Christ.

The community forum will meet at least twice a year.  One meeting will be an Annual General Meeting and will include a report on the annual accounts, reports from the ministries and proposed budget for the forthcoming year. This meeting will be regarded as an extension of the church’s worship.  An auditor or independent examiner will be appointed at this meeting, which will usually be in January.  Any member of the church council may act as chair for community forum meetings and minutes will be kept and will be made available.

Only the community forum together with the Church Council shall have the authority to make the following decisions: –

  1. Appointment and removal of minister(s).

2. The appointment and removal of a member of the church council.

3. The approval of the annual budget.

4. Changes to the constitution. A special meeting will be convened with at least one months’ notice.

Items 1,2 and 4 will be decided by secret ballot and a 2/3 majority will be required before any changes are made.  Item 3 will be by a show of hands.

The church council will maintain a list of the members of the forum.


Baptism by full immersion will be encouraged to fulfil scriptural requirements.


Requests by families for dedication of their children can be accommodated.

Funerals and Marriages

Requests for funerals and marriages will be considered by the Church Council.

Assets of the Church

In the event of closure of the fellowship, any assets will be transferred to the Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland.  See the appendix for more details on the mission of the Churches of Christ.